Here are some of TechEditz website clients:

Ellen: 503.380.7046  
Portland Ore.  

Teresa: 530.409.3158  
Sacramento, Calif.  

Website Design

Visitors become customers with a Website that inspires confidence.
That's what we do

A Consistent message across multiple platforms is key for solid branding. 
That's what we do.
Internet Marketing

We help your target market find you-- where they are & when they need you.
That's' what we do
Do you need a Website Do Over or just an Updated Content? 

Keeping your Website design current and interesting is critical to the survival of any Website. When your Website is out of date or just not working the way you’d like, it’s time to evaluate. Don’t allow your current Website design to make a bad “first impression".
I'm attending Facebook Success Summit 2011
​Would you read your website?

A few minutes on the Internet and you will find a number of Website designs that are looking old and/or out of date. It is no longer good enough to “just” have a Website. Your Website design needs to capture the attention of your audience by having new, engaging information on a regular basis or as fast as the visitors came to your Website they will be off to see what your competition has to offer. 
When redesigning and updating a website, the first step is to establish what's working  on the current website as well as what's not. Is the information current and written for your target market?
We study the current website design to see how it is laid out and how easy it is to navigate. Then we take a peek “behind the scenes” to see what the search engines see and incorporate this information into the redesign process. What s should stay and what can be eliminated to provide a visually appealing and usable Website? What needs to be done to invite and encourage prospects to want more information and become customers. 

Our Website designs work! We have clients that agree. 
Ellen: 503.662.2236  
    Portland Ore.  

Teresa: 530.409.3158  
   Sacramento, Calif.